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The Unfathomable Size of the Universe: A Brief Overview

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

Image by Peace,love,happiness from Pixabay

The universe is vast, expanding and full of mysteries, making it one of the most intriguing subjects of human curiosity. It is estimated to be around 13.8 billion years old, and the current observable size of the universe is approximately 93 billion light-years in diameter. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The actual size of the universe is believed to be much larger, and the question of its true size remains a mystery that continues to perplex even the most knowledgeable scientists.

The universe is an ever-expanding entity, meaning it has no fixed size. It is continually expanding at an accelerating rate, and the distance between galaxies is increasing. This expansion is caused by dark energy, which accounts for approximately 68% of the universe's energy density. It is a mysterious force that pushes the universe apart and makes it difficult to determine its actual size.

The Unfathomable Size of the Universe Size comparison images

To understand the universe's size, we must first understand the concept of a light-year. A light-year is the distance light travels in a vacuum in one year. This distance is approximately 5.88 trillion miles. Therefore, the current observable size of the universe, which is 93 billion light-years in diameter, means that the light we see from the farthest observable object has taken 13.8 billion years to reach us.

However, this observable universe is just a small fraction of the total universe. The universe is thought to be flat, meaning that it extends indefinitely in all directions. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the actual size of the universe. We are limited by the distance light can travel since the universe is only 13.8 billion years old, and light can only travel at a finite speed.

One theory that tries to explain the universe's size is the multiverse theory. It suggests that there are multiple universes, each with its unique physical laws and properties. These universes may exist side by side, or they may be separated by vast distances. The multiverse theory provides a possible explanation for the unfathomable size of the universe.

The Unfathomable Size of the Universe the multi verse theories images

In conclusion, the universe is enormous, and its size is unfathomable. We can only observe a small fraction of the universe, which is expanding at an accelerating rate, making it impossible to determine its actual size. The multiverse theory provides a possible explanation for the vastness of the universe. However, the question of its actual size remains a mystery that scientists continue to explore.

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