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The Famous Haunting of Edinburgh Castle

The famous haunting of Edinburgh Castle, that overlooks the Scottish capital, is one of the most famous and historic castles in the world. But this ancient fortress is not only famous for its architecture and history but also for the many ghosts that are said to haunting its halls and grounds.

Edinburgh Castle

The Legend of The Headless Drummer Boy Of Edinburgh Castle

The Headless Drummer boy at Edinburgh Castle is a famous ghostly apparition that has been reported by many visitors to the castle over the years. According to legend, the drummer boy was beheaded during a battle near the castle, and his ghost has been haunting the castle ever since.

The exact origins of the story of the Headless Drummer boy are unclear, but it is thought to date back to the 18th century. The story goes that during a siege of Edinburgh Castle, a young drummer boy was sent out to sound the alarm. However, he was caught by the enemy and beheaded on the spot. His headless ghost has been seen and heard ever since, wandering the castle's halls and playing his drums.

The ghostly drumming of the Headless Drummer boy is said to be most frequently heard in the dead of night, when the castle is quiet and empty. Visitors to the castle have reported hearing the sound of drums echoing through the halls, as if the boy were still playing his beatless drums in service to the castle.

Many people who have experienced the ghostly presence of the Headless Drummer boy have reported feeling a chill in the air, as if a cold wind were blowing through the castle. Others have reported feeling a sense of sadness or melancholy when they hear the sound of the drums, as if they are hearing the echoes of a tragic event from the past.

The Ghostly Piper Of Edinburgh Castle

The story of the ghostly piper is a well-known legend about Edinburgh Castle. It is said that in the 17th century, the city was hit by a deadly plague, and the castle became a refuge for many people seeking shelter from the disease. The castle's tunnels were used as a means of escape for those inside the castle, and the piper was employed to play his bagpipes to guide people to safety.

Ss the story goes, the piper was playing his tunes in the tunnels when he suddenly disappeared without a trace. No one knows what happened to him, and his disappearance has remained a mystery ever since. Some say that he was swallowed up by the tunnels, while others believe that he was kidnapped or murdered.

Visitors Have Reported Hearing The Mournful Sounds Of Bagpipes

Despite his mysterious disappearance, the piper's ghost is said to still haunt the castle's tunnels to this day. Visitors to the castle have reported hearing the mournful sound of bagpipes coming from the depths of the tunnels, and some have even claimed to have seen the ghostly figure of the piper himself.

Legend has it that if you follow the sound of the piper's haunting tune, he will lead you to a secret chamber within the castle. But be warned, it is said that anyone who follows the piper never returns. Some believe that the piper's ghost is leading people to their death, while others believe that he is simply trying to find his way home.

The tragic tale of Janet Douglas The Grey Lady

But perhaps the most famous and haunting of all the Edinburgh Castle ghosts is that of a Lady in White who wanders the halls in a long white gown. This ghost is said to be Janet Douglas. The tragic tale of Janet revolves around a family feud that would lead to her untimely demise at the hands of King James V of Scotland. As the sister of Archibald Douglas, the 6th Earl of Angus, who was despised by the King and imprisoned as a child, Janet found herself caught in the middle of a bitter conflict.

James held a deep grudge against the Douglas family, and in 1537, Janet was accused of witchcraft and attempting to poison the King. However, there was little evidence to support the charges, and James resorted to torturing Janet's friends and servants until they gave him the proof he needed.

Burnt At The Stake Outside Edinburgh Castle

Janet was ultimately found guilty and burned alive at the stake outside Edinburgh Castle on 17 July 1537, while her young son was forced to witness the horrifying spectacle.

Reports of a Ghostly Apparition Known as The Grey Lady

In the aftermath of Janet's execution, there were reports of a ghostly apparition known as the Grey Lady wandering through the castle, weeping in sorrow. This tragic story stands as a reminder of the cruel injustices that can arise from family feuds and political conflicts.

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